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Pre Install List of Questions


Here is a list of questions that we require that you ask. Feel free to ask any additional questions you feel necessary (These will be provided in other documentation as well.)

  • What Router do you have in the office and what model is it?
  • Do they have phones NOT located next to a Computer/Ethernet port? If yes, how many?
  • Do you have any computers that run off wifi?
  • Do they have any phones mounted to the wall? If yes, how many?
  • Do they have any phones that need PoE adapter? If yes, how many?
  • Do you have any cordless phones
  • Do you currently use headsets?
  • What services do you use for credit card processing? Are you moving that to Weave?
  • Does your current phone provider allow call forwarding? (If yes, do you know how to enable it? If no, can you find out prior to us coming for the install)
  • If they have an existing VoIP service in the office, ask them if their phones and computers on the same network.

After you complete the Pre-Install phone call, please enter the following info into the install case. 

  • Pre Install Call Date/Time
  • Router Make and Model (If not already filled in)
  • Additional Ethernet Drops Needed
  • Additional hardware needed
  • Pre Install Call Notes: Additional notes about the call. Please be as informative as necessary. If there are no other things to note, please write “none”

***In the event the “router action” field: in the install case is marked as “Need to Install ASUS Router (liability waiver needed)” go through the following items:

  • Discuss anything you need to with the customer about this
  • Ask if they received the email with the Weave Router Liability Form. Make sure they know that form needs to be signed before you do any work with the customer. (Bring a printed copy with you to the install in case the customer hasn’t signed it before you get there.)